Started New Drywall Taping Project

We took a few pictures of a new job we started today. It is fairly straightforward. There are some big gaps between sheets of drywall but all in all it was well boarded. Seems like we have been getting mostly basement renovations and they can be the toughest of all. At least there are no existing walls to repair, no patch-up work nor any window wells. There are quite a few bulkheads and some of them are quite intricate.

New Drywall Taping Project - Before Pictures
The ceiling has a few pot lights to contend with and serious bulkhead work.

Here's first coat on corner beads.
We like to hit the beads right away as they can take up to two days to dry in a basement. 
Here's Fred mudding a bead that is blocked by an obstructing panel door.

A look at some of the intricate bulkheads.
Fred will use roll-on beads for this type of work.